

Last updated on

Jack Swingle

Software Developer at RF-SMART

(904) 666-0046 - jackswingle01@gmail.com


Software developer at RF-SMART, CS degree.


Software Support Engineer, RF-SMART, Jacksonville, FL

August 2023 - Present (Full time)

Software Development Intern, RF-SMART, Jacksonville, FL

May 2023 - August 2023 (Full time)

Advantage Design Group, Software Support Specialist

June 2021 - August 2021 (Full time); October - December 2022 (Part-time)


University of North Florida, BS: Computer Science

2020 - 2023

Episcopal School of Jacksonville, High School

Class of 2019


Solar Power Prediction

Hackathon first place winner. Machine learning model that predicts solar field power output based on weather data.

Angular/Node.js Blog

A fullstack CRUD web app using an Express Node.js server back-end and an Angular front-end.

Email Generator

Web app that generates emails using AI. (Live Demo)

Testing Framework

Testing framework for a proprietary Dynamics 365 application.

Click on any of the above links for more details and links to GitHub.



AI for Good Hackathon (2022)

First-place winner. AI and data science hackathon hosted by Microsoft, FIS, and JEA at UNF.

Nest for a While (2022)

4th place out of ~50. Algorithm/Data-Structure focused competitive programming competition hosted by UNF.

Dean’s List 2021 - Present